Mittwoch, 08. August 2018, 18:00 Uhr

ReactJS Meetup Düsseldorf #7


Hey Folks,

It’s time for the next meetup, isn’t it?

We’ve got an agenda! Here’s what will happen at the next meetup:

  • 18:00 - 19:00 - Food, drinks and gathering ideas on a canvas board (new!)
  • 19:00 ~ 20:30 - Workshop: Using Apollo GraphQL Client for query data from a movie database. See below.
  • 20:30 - 21:00 - Talking about the filled canvas board, generating ideas and possible future talks? <3
  • 21:00 - 22:00 - Drinks and networking.

Workshop Content: We’re going to use codesandbox, so bring your own laptops, and connect to the wifi in the building. No local editor or setup required. Some topics we will be covering: Setting up apollo-boost with react-apollo, creating an overview page of movies and some additional components. Some knowledge of the render prop pattern would help you to make it easier! This is a workshop best suited for beginners or intermediates who haven’t done much with Apollo yet.

As always, the meetup and the tasty food is sponsored by InVision and the awesome chefs <3


InVision AG Speditionstraße 5 40221 Düsseldorf

Parkplätze findest Du in den umliegenden Straßen und Parkhäusern.