Donnerstag, 04. Juli 2019, 18:00 Uhr

ReactJS Meetup Leipzig #5


It’s time to continue with the ReactJS meetup!

This time we will talk about TypeScript language insights. We’ll continue with a coding session in small groups, using our new!

Please remember to bring along your notebook. No special setup is required.


Intermediate (You should be familiar with core TypeScript concepts)


  • 18:00 Talk: TypeScript
  • 18:45 Food & Networking
  • 19:30 Coding with TypeScript

This meetup is hosted by InVision @Karli. Food and drinks will be provided. Doors are open at 17:45.


The preferred language of the meetup is German. Depending on the language skills of our crowd we can switch to English.


InVision AG Karl-Liebknecht Straße 12 04107 Leipzig

Parkplätze findest Du in den umliegenden Straßen und Parkhäusern.