Dienstag, 10. September 2019, 18:00 Uhr

GDG Cloud Düsseldorf Meetup #10 - Serverless & Terraform


Hi everyone,

our next meetup will take place Tuesday, September 10th. We are happy to announce Frank Pientka as our speaker for this meetup.

Frank Pientka is software architect and co-founder of the iSAQB association. Above all, the quality in the software is important to him. He is the author of the book “Apache Geronimo. Handbuch für den Java-Applikationsserver”, which was published by dpunkt Verlag.

He currently works as Principal Software Architect at Materna GmbH in Dortmund. Materna GmbH has been one of the leading independent IT service providers in Germany for more than 35 years.

Frank will speak about:

Recommendations, fallacies, pitfalls of serverless computing

Serverless computing(= FaaS + BaaS) is becoming the default computing paradigm of running functions in the Cloud Era, largely replacing serverfull computing.

Ten years after released the ‘Berkeley view of cloud computing’ paper, Berkeley predicts that the use of serverless computing will accelerate and dominate the future of cloud computing.

This talk will address the following questions:

  • What are the typical pitfalls to avoid and challenges to face?
  • What best practices can guide you the right path?
  • What does serverless computing really cost?
  • What are the best-suited use-cases for serverless computing?
  • Why is observability becoming more and more important?
  • How to avoid a vendor lock-in?
  • What is the relationship between BaaS, FaaS, and Serverless?
  • How to tackle with OWASP security issues, start-up-time latency, development and deployment challenges?
  • What are the economics of serverless computing?
  • What are their three pillars tracing, logging and metrics?

The supporting act will be performed by Randy Gupta speaking:

Infrastructure as Code: Managing the GCP with Terraform

Terraform is an emerging opensource tool for managing infrastructure as code. In this session we will discuss how an entire Google Cloud project can be developed, deployed and revisioned as code using terraform.

Randy is a Google Developer Expert for Cloud, Google Certified Cloud Architect and also Organizer of the GDG Düsseldorf. With a professional experience of more 20 years in software development he is focused today on building microservices applications on top of kubernetes and the GCP.

Our Agenda:

  • 18:00 - 19:00 - Dinner’s ready
  • 19:00 - 19:45 - Infrastructure as Code: Managing the GCP with Terraform
  • 19:45 - 20:30 - Recommendations, fallacies, pitfalls of serverless computing
  • 20:30 - 22:00 - Clubmate, Beer and great discussions…

Cheers! GDG Cloud Düsseldorf


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