Dienstag, 14. März 2023, 19:00 Uhr

DevOps Meetup #22 @InVision


Third time’s the charm - we have a schedule for March that we’d like to share.

We were already busy prepping some potential talks for you but we’re also open to welcome anyone who wants to take the stage. Please reach out to Daniel Heitmann if you’d like to give a talk!

This is our agenda so far:

  • 19:00 - Doors open, dinner & drinks
  • 19:45 - Talk #1: Kluctl - Kubernetes deloyment and configuration management (by Alexander Block)
  • 20:15 - Break
  • 20:45 - Talk #2: cancelled due to sickness
  • 21:30 - Drinks, chat & networking
  • 22:00 - Official end of the event (though doors close around 23:00)

As always, expect free snacks (vegan and non-vegan) and drinks.

Talk #1: Kluctl - Kubernetes deloyment and configuration management (by Alexander Block)

Kluctl is a young Open Source project that can be used for Kubernetes deployment and configuration management. In this talk, the maintainer of the project, Alexander Block, wants to give a short introduction to Kluctl and then move over to a live DevOps session. In this session, he will take a fresh and completely empty (not even CNI) cluster and setup a Kluctl deployment for it. This deployment will provision the cluster with Cilium, cert-manager and whatever is required to have a useful cluster and then proceed with the deployment of some sample applications. All this will happen interactively, meaning that Alexander will integrate wishes and ideas of the audience.


InVision AG Speditionstraße 5 40221 Düsseldorf

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