Mittwoch, 22. Januar 2020, 19:00 Uhr

DevOps Meetup #18


Hi everyone,

Happy new year to all of You!

Let’s get together for the first edition of the DevOps Meetup in 2020!

In case you have any ideas on topics you’d like to talk about or present at the meetup, please reach out to Daniel Heitmann - the organiser of this meetup group!

Tentative Agenda:

  • 19:00 Drinks, food (vegan options available), get to know each other

  • 19:45 Demystifying Java in Containers by Daniel Kleuser from trivago

“No one runs Java applications in containers.” This or similar statements might sound familiar to you. When it comes to Java (or other languages running on the JVM) in containerized environments, there are a lot of negative comments on the internet or you’ll find a lot of hesitance towards doing so when chatting with others.

In this talk, Daniel K. will show you that it’s possible to run Java in containers - and that even performantly - and what to look out for.

  • 20:15 Break

  • 20:30 Makefiles in 2020 — Why they still matter Simon Brüggen

Make turns 44 in 2020. But it is still one of the best tools to help you DRY up your CI/CD pipelines and make them more modular. Something that is invaluable when moving to a microservice architecture with many independently built and tested projects or onboarding new people to existing projects.

This talk will compare it to other possible solutions and show why Makefiles are still useful today.

Since discovering his passion for computers in the mid-2000s, Simon has had issues staying in just one role and defining what he does. Seeing he industry coming up with the DevOps term changed his life. At trivago he’s been doing various DevOpsy things, currently as the resident Makefile wizard in the Release Engineering team.

  • 21:00 More drinks, networking

  • 22:00 Official end of event


InVision AG Speditionstraße 5 40221 Düsseldorf

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