June 28, 2018 18:30

ReactJS Meetup Düsseldorf #6


Hey folks!

Sorry for the long delay, somehow inbetween conferences, a lot of work and something called life, I forgot about the meetup. But this is no more!

So bring your React knowledge, think about the topics for the talks you might want to give, and bring some good mood to be talkative to strangers!

Agenda is now set! <3

18:30 - 19:30: Chit-chat, drinks and dinner. Thanks chefs!

19:30 - 20:00: “The Great Gatsby: From the roaring 20s to the blazing fast 21st century” - Bogdan Lazar (@tricinel)

20:00 - 20:30: “Something about cool graphs or GraphQL” - Alexander Plavinski (@cilice)

20:30 - 22:00: More talking, more drinks, more discussions.

As always, food and drinks are provided by InVision.


InVision AG Speditionstraße 5 40221 Düsseldorf

You will find parking spaces in the surrounding streets and car parks.